UPDATE: Jerry was reunited with his Dad just before Chistmas, 2013 and has since returned to the US. He is well and happy to be home with his Dad. News below is reflective of a father's efforts to locate his beloved son.
Interpol, the world's largest international police organiztion with over 190 member countries, has decelared Jerry a "Missing Person" Click link below to read the offcial Interpol listing for Jerry, with links to contacting them with any information:

Over a year ago, my son, Jerry was kidnapped by his Slovakian mother, Maya Misejova Pfeifer. She fled to Europe with Jerry and his half brother, Sasha Hummel, both American boys.
I have not seen or heard from Jerry since July 2012.
I'm begging for your help. The situation they are living in is not safe. With every day that goes by, I am more worried for their safety. My son and I cannot live without each other. He means everything to me.
I have court-ordered permanent sole legal and physical custody of Jerry. Last year, Jerry's mother and grandmother left the United States with the kids. They haven't returned.
The internet has made the world a small place. Someone you know may have seen Jerry and Sasha. Please, please share the link to this site and spread the word.
Thank you so much for your help.
Email me at the address above or click icons below to post at Facebook,Twitter, You Tube or Pinterest
All content of this site © 2013 by Robert J Pfeifer. No content may be used or reproduced without written permission of the copyright holder, except images or information exppressily designated.
Thanks to you and all our Facebook friends, both here and abroad, LA, French and International officials and everyone who offered their hopes and prayers, we're incredibly happy to announce that
The site will remain as is to inspire and help other parents in their efforts. Do not give up hope, do not stop trying. Miracles can happen!

NEW!! EUROPEAN HOTLINE FOR MISSING CHILDREN: DIAL 116000 from most European locations
NEW! Pinterest pages have been lauched by members of JST (Jerry's Search Team!): Please click on logos below to view pages and share with friends.
Endangered child page
Bring Jerry Home page
Someone, somewhere has seen my son. You may have information that can help!
Jerry Pfeifer was abducted by his mother and grandmother, below.

First 3 pictures: Maya Misejova Pfeifer (aka) Maria Misejova Pfeifer (aka) Maya Pfeiferova
Description of Abductors:
NAME: Maria Misejova Pfeifer SEX: Female DOB: 8/31/1981 HT: 5 ft 10 in/177 cm WT: 130 lbs/58 kg HAIR: blonde EYES: blue
NAME: Anna Misejova SEX: Female DOB: 11/1/1946 HT: 6 ft/ 182 cm WT: 150 lbs/ 68 kg HAIR: grey short EYES: brown
Far right above and below: Anna Misejova, Maya's mother. Click any photo for larger view.
Please click on the image below to display a poster made by a friend of the site. Right click on the window (Mac: Control-click) and download a copy to your own computer. Please feel free to send or forward to anyone who might have some information. Your help is invaluable!

Description of kidnapped children:
NAME: Robert Gerald Pfeifer (“Jerry”)
Male DOB: 5/16/2003 HT: 4 ft 4 in/134cm WT: 55 lbs/27 kg HAIR: blonde EYES: blue Est. HT now 4' 10 to 5' tall.
NAME: Sasha Milo Hummel
Male DOB: 2/7/2009 HT: 3 ft/ 91 cm WT: 35 lbs/18 kg HAIR: blonde
EYES: hazel. Est.HT now 3.5 ft.
